Derek's Blog

Put that [insert electronic device name here] down!

Don't worry. Though the title of today's post is a homage to Glengarry Glen Ross, I'm not going to tell you that iPads are for closers. I *am* going to gently suggest that you should do exactly what I did today, which was to switch the electronic devices to "sleep" or "off" and do something outdoors. I am going to sound like your mother, father, or uncle and tell you to take advantage of this spring day. OK, it's not technically spring. But, it is the first beautiful day of the year that happens to fall on a weekend. Instead of writing about Democrats, Republicans, Apple, Android, the Sequester, or something else, go for a walk outside. Your iPad and even your computer will be there when you get back. (It's OK to take your iPhone with you, but promise not to take it out of your pocket. Don't even take a picture. Use your memory. It's pretty good to actually remember things outside of your photo stream.)

Today, the sun renewed me. It reminded me of how much I enjoy warmer weather. Here's hoping that you get the opportunity to do something outside that gives you that same feeling.